Shop Notes, No. 4
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman first aired in 1993. By the time it crossed my television consciousness, CBS was running episodes earlier in the day around 4pm or so, just as I was getting off the bus from elementary school. Tuning in became a fast ritual with weekly reverence for all things "Dr. Mike."
Two or three winters ago, in a nostalgic re-watch, I glimpsed many textiles characteristic of the western expansion in America in the 1800's nestled within the set design. The following 10 images are some of my screenshots of quilts featured throughout the series.

Fan quilt with crazy appliqué stitching.

Nine Patch quilt, printed cottons.

Quarter-Square triangle blocks!

Carolina Lily variation.

Quilting Bee - Trip Around The World or Postage Stamp pattern.

Flower Baskets.

Log Cabin variant.

One Patch quilt and others displayed for sale.

8-Pointed Star or Morning Star quilt.

Lone star!